Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Hello my dear friends here, there, and way out there,

As some of you know, I having been working since the end of last summer to produce a big F-R-E-E outdoor concert on the waterfront here in Beacon, NY this summer.

And that show will be called Beacon Riverfest, a name that sounds like something that had been there all along.

And so, the City of Beacon signed on as a partner. But they don't have any money, but they are a big help in other ways. And BACA, the local arts organization, signed on. But they don't have any money, despite which they are also a big help. I continued to pound the pavement, the internet, and one morning, I even got my wife to make several hundred pancakes with me. And that pancake party Jennifer and I held in our home clinched it. Knee-deep in maple syrup, borrowed griddles, and blown circuits, we began to realize that with the support of such a great community, we were going to make this happen.

It's been uphill at times, but this thing, this Beacon Riverfest, is actually really happening. I mean, we've got some sponsors. A nice logo too.

And we announced the bands: The Fleshtones, Tracy Bonham, and Yarn. June 26. In the daytime. In Riverfront Park, Beacon, NY. Take the train to the show.

We had a benefit concert at the Howland Center, we had a pancake party, there will be another concert on April 30, some wonderful sponsors have come on board, food and craft vendors signed on, some amazing volunteer staff have helped to build it. And here I sit with my Excel spreadsheet, and I can tell you we will need another little bit of ch-ching to get close to breaking even.


After reading this, I hope you are planning to attend Beacon Riverfest on June 26, and in the meantime, I'd be grateful if you could throw a little something in our tip jar so that we can pay the bands the day of the show. We set up a little fundraising gizmo on a website that helps you do this sort of thing. It's easy and it's legit. It's called KICKSTARTER. You make a pledge now, and you don't get charged until enough super people like yourself have helped us reach our goal.

Please help us reach our goal, and then we can put the rock to work. And you should come to the show of course.
Email me with any questions. And please share this note.

Stephen Clair
Beacon Riverfest

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